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Landscape Ecology - house journal of IALE

The Association works in close collaboration with Springer to produce the major journal in the field, Landscape Ecology . This journal, first time published in 1984, became the flagship journal in the rapidly developing fields of ecology and sustainability science of landscapes. The journal focuses on highly inter- and transdisciplinary studies, aggregating expertise from biological, geophysical, and social sciences to explore the formation, dynamics and consequences of spatial heterogeneity in natural and human-dominated landscapes. Members get free access to the journal. Below you'll find the most recentc articles published in Landscape Ecology:

Latest Results for Landscape Ecology
The latest content available from Springer
Leveraging extensive soil, vegetation, fire, and land treatment data to inform restoration across the sagebrush biome
Samstag, 19. Oktober 2024
Abstract Context Widespread ecological degradation has prompted calls for massive global investments in ecological restoration, yet limited resources necessitate efficient application of restoration efforts. In western North America, altered fire regimes are increasing the scale of restoration needed to preserve the sagebrush (Artemisia species) biome but prioritizing and implementing effective restoration is complicated by the...
Impacts of land use and land cover change on the landscape pattern and ecosystem services in the Poyang Lake Basin, China
Donnerstag, 17. Oktober 2024
Abstract Context Decades of intensifying human activities have led to drastic changes in land use and land cover (LULC) in the Poyang Lake Basin (PLB), resulting in significant changes in landscape pattern and ecosystem service value (ESV), thereby affecting regional sustainability. Objectives We focused on understanding the impact of LULC...
Energetics explain predator occurrence and movement in pyrodiverse landscapes
Dienstag, 15. Oktober 2024
Abstract Context Fire-adapted species have evolved to exploit resources in heterogenous landscapes that presumably maximize energy acquisition and minimize energetic expenditure. However, limited empirical work exists demonstrating the explicit energetic mechanisms that drive such adaptive responses to fire across diverse landscapes. Objectives...
Estimating vegetation and litter biomass fractions in rangelands using structure-from-motion and LiDAR datasets from unmanned aerial vehicles
Montag, 14. Oktober 2024
Abstract Context The invasion of annual grasses in western U.S. rangelands promotes high litter accumulation throughout the landscape that perpetuates a grass-fire cycle threatening biodiversity. Objectives To provide novel evidence on the potential of fine spatial and structural resolution remote sensing data derived from Unmanned Aerial...
Landscape configuration impacts the area of spring space use and survival of female sage-grouse
Dienstag, 08. Oktober 2024
Abstract Context Landscape composition and configuration are essential factors for species distribution and persistence. Disturbance changes landscapes and can impact individuals' movement and space use based on mobility with tradeoffs between resource acquisition and survival. Objectives We evaluated how spring space use and survival of...
Identifying restoration priorities for habitat defragmentation: a case study in Alberta’s oil sands
Montag, 30. September 2024
Abstract Context Anthropogenic habitat loss and fragmentation are major threats to ecosystems and a focus in conservation. However, conservation is often limited to considerations of site-level processes neglecting the effect of the surrounding landscape that might limit the effectiveness of restoration efforts. Objectives Using seismic lines...
Promoting urban-rural landscape sustainability through geodesign
Montag, 30. September 2024
Towards robust corridors: a validation framework to improve corridor modeling
Montag, 16. September 2024
Abstract Context Ecological corridors are one of the most recommended ways to mitigate biodiversity loss. With growing recognition of corridor importance, corridor modeling lags others in the development of robust, quantitative validation methods. Objective We propose a post-hoc corridor validation framework, considering the range of methods...
The importance of different forest management systems for people’s dietary quality in Tanzania
Mittwoch, 11. September 2024
Abstract Context A large body of literature has shown that forests provide nutritious foods in many low- and middle-income countries. Yet, there is limited evidence on the contributions from different types of forest and tree systems. Objectives Here, we focus on individual trees and smaller forest patches outside established forest reserves...
Enhancing human well-being through cognitive and affective pathways linking landscape sensation to cultural ecosystem services
Donnerstag, 05. September 2024
Abstract Context Landscape sensation is essential for the delivery of cultural ecosystem services (CESs), yet the pathways through which these services are delivered remain inadequately understood. Exploring how people obtain CESs from landscapes facilitates better understanding of the tradeoffs and synergies between ecosystem services and landscape sustainability...
Dynamic occupancy in a peripheral population of Myotis septentrionalis during disease outbreak
Mittwoch, 04. September 2024
Abstract Context Once common, the northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis) has experienced declines > 90% due to white-nose syndrome (WNS). This severe mortality has resulted in their listing under the Endangered Species Act and made them a conservation priority. However, their broad distribution, variability in habitat use, and population instability make developing range-wide conservation strategies difficult...
Drivers of the taxonomic and functional structuring of aquatic and terrestrial floodplain bird communities
Mittwoch, 04. September 2024
Abstract Context There has been a limited amount of research which comparatively examines the local and landscape scale ecological determinants of the community structure of both riparian and aquatic bird communities in floodplain ecosystems. Objectives Here, we quantified the contribution of local habitat structure, land cover and spatial...
Multiscale spatial analysis of two plant–insect interactions: effects of landscape, resource distribution, and other insects
Dienstag, 03. September 2024
Abstract Context Biotic resource exploitation is a critical determinant of species’ distributions. However, quantifying resource exploitation patterns through space and time can be difficult, complicating their incorporation in spatial ecology studies. Therefore, understanding the local drivers of spatial patterns of resource exploitation may contribute to better large-scale species distribution models...
Long-term dynamics of grasslands and livestock in Norwegian cultural landscapes: implications for a sustainable transition of rural livelihoods
Montag, 02. September 2024
Abstract Context Abandonment of cultural landscape practices has had a notable impact on grasslands and domestic livestock that depend on them. This affects the prerequisites for sustainable transitions of cultural landscapes, which combine traditional livelihoods and novel ones like tourism. Objectives The aims of this study were to explore...
Challenges of and opportunities for integrating social science into landscape ecology research
Samstag, 31. August 2024
Perceived ecosystem services differ substantially from calculated services using biophysical models
Samstag, 31. August 2024
Abstract Context Ecosystem services are fundamental for the well-being of residents and are an important basis for making regional sustainable development decisions. Existing studies mainly capture ecosystem services perceived by residents through questionnaires, or quantify the provision of regional ecosystem services through economic evaluation and biophysical evaluation. However, the discrepancy between model calculations...
Multiple habitat graphs: how connectivity brings forth landscape ecological processes
Donnerstag, 29. August 2024
Abstract Purpose Habitat connectivity is integral to current biodiversity science and conservation strategies. Originally, the connectivity concept stressed the role of individual movements for landscape-scale processes. Connectivity determines whether populations can survive in sub-optimal patches (i.e., source-sink effects), complete life cycles relying on different habitat types (i.e., landscape complementation), and benefit...
Towards sustainable building landscapes: a spatially explicit life-cycle analysis of carbon emissions and mitigation strategies
Mittwoch, 28. August 2024
Abstract Context The urban landscape plays a crucial role in achieving sustainability goals and aspiring to a zero-emission future. Effective carbon mitigation strategies need a spatially explicit and life-cycle analysis of building emissions, detailed mapping highlights the geographical distribution and specific characteristics of buildings, enabling precise identification and targeted management of emission sources...
Pandemics and landscape ecology in a post-COVID world
Donnerstag, 22. August 2024
Plant phylogenetic diversity along the urban–rural gradient and its association with urbanization degree in Shanghai, China
Donnerstag, 22. August 2024
Abstract Context The spatial distribution of plant diversity in urban areas is fundamental to understanding the relationship between urbanization and biodiversity. Previous research has primarily focused on taxonomic levels to assess species richness. In contrast, investigations into the spatial patterns of phylogenetic diversity in urban plants remain limited...